Gosh, this New Year's was sort of a blur. Which is why I haven't been posting.... Spent most of my Christmas break eating ramen with my cat and fighting with Ben.. Then spent my New Year's arguing drink prices with some lady and getting beer spilled on me.... Then more arguing with Ben.. I haven't checked my email in about two week... and I don't wanna. I did manage to open a new bank account tho.. yay. PNC has this thing called virtual wallet which actually pays my bills for me and plans how much money I have. Having that 6 month panic attack I do.. where I'm dissatisfied with my life and I want to just move to a new place and do something else but now I'm depressed 'cause I'm too poor to have the freedom to just up and move where ever I want without telling anybody and that sucks.

hope you had a good weekend <3